Physical Development

At Liverpool Nursery, we believe that physical movement is essential for children’s development. We provide ample opportunities for children to move with control and coordination in both indoor and outdoor spaces. This not only helps children feel positive about themselves but also encourages cooperation, physical fitness, and overall health.
The nursery is equipped with a wide range of physical play equipment. Inside, children can engage with soft play mats and shapes that support safe and fun physical activity. Outdoors we offer climbing apparatus that promote gross motor skills, balance, and strength.
We also focus on developing fine motor control through smaller equipment and activities, such as threading, painting, and completing jigsaw puzzles. These activities help children refine their hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and concentration, building essential skills for everyday tasks.
Class Sessions
- Monday - Friday
- 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Location Address
- 117 Stanley Road, Bootle, Liverpool, L20 7DA
Our Office Hour
- Monday - Friday
- 7:30 am - 6:00 pm